Today Garrisen (Sadie‘s older brother) got some new ink. It‘s the word “Hope”. For those that don’t know, Sadie’s full name is ‘Sadie Hope Litoski’. Little did we know when we named her Hope that she would need it, live it, and inspire it in others. This small gesture touched us all.
#brotherlylove @garrisenlitoski

Safe travels. Thinking of you guys.
Safe travels. Will be thinking of you every day! Hugs to you both as you enter this journey. And to your family at home. 💕💕
H.O.P.E. ~ Hold On, Pain Ends ❤️ Safe travels to you both
The tatoo is beautiful. Safe driving tomorrow Melanie and Sadie. We love you and look forward to your healthy return in 6 weeks.
How perfect! Hope: the firm expectation of a positive outcome/good things in the future.